Nutritional Tips to Help Reduce Anxiety Symptoms

Stress or anxious feelings are symptoms most of us experience at some point in our life. In fact, anxiety is one of the most common presentations at my clinic - particularly as I work with many patients with the MTHFR gene, which can be associated with anxiety. I've outlined a few starter recommendations for helping support the nervous system & reducing anxiety symptoms.

Could your headaches, diarrhoea or dizziness be from high histamine foods?

When I mention histamine reactions, most people think of runny noses, itchy eyes and skin rashes – and whilst this is a certainly a large component of histamine reactions, this is not the full story. Common symptoms of a dietary histamine reaction also includes migraines, headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, anxiety, flushing, diarrhoea, nausea and indigestion to name just a few...

Pre-Conception & Fertility Nutritional Tips

Planning to have a baby can be a very exciting time, however it can also be quite stressful if you are finding it hard to conceive. Ensuring your body is adequately nourished is one of the best ways to start your pre-conception journey. And remember, both you and your partner need to make the changes… as you both contribute an equal 50% of the DNA! Some starter nutritional tips I share with my clients...

Is your digestive health affecting your mood?

I see more and more people presenting in clinic with a combination of digestive complaints such as bloating, constipation or diarrhoea coupled with feelings of stress, anxiety or feeling flat.

Does this sound familiar… you get a respiratory infection, you take a course or two of antibiotics. Your infection goes away, but in the next couple of months you start feeling tired, a little bit flat or a bit more anxious than you normally would?  Or perhaps as a child or a teenager you took a number of courses of antibiotics for various infections such tonsillitis, throat infections or sinus infections… and now as an adult you notice you often feel bloated, tired and stressed?

Are you fat phobic?

Since the introduction of “fat-free” foods in the 1980s, as a society we’ve been scared of foods with high fat content, as we were led to believe they were making us fat. More recently, there has been a general understanding of the differences between “good” fats such as nuts, seeds and fish and “bad” fats such as trans-fats and fried foods, however on the whole, I find most of my clients still do not consume adequate amounts of healthy fats, especially my female clients who are trying to lose a few kilos.